Heremiti serb, 20 vite në izolim/ Del nga shpella dhe vaksinohet: Bëni si unë!

Thuajse 20 vite më parë, Panta Petrovic vendosi ta bënte distancimin social një zgjedhje jete kur u vendos në një shpellë të vogël malore në serbi për të evituar shoqërinë.

Vitin e kaluar, në një nga vizitat e tij në qytet, burri me mjekër të gjatë zbuloi se një pandemi po bënte namin. Pasi vaksinat anti covid u bënë të disponueshme, ai vendosi të vaksinohej dhe tani i kërkon të gjithëve të bëjnë si ai.

Petrovic mostly feeds on mushrooms and fish from the local creek, but also hikes downtown in search of leftover food in the bins. And his visits to the town have become more regular recently. Image Credit: AFP
It is equipped with an old rusty bathtub which he uses as a toilet, some benches and a stack of hay that serves as a bed. Petrovic hails from the nearby town of Pirot where he worked as a labourer on the black market, as he did abroad for some time. He remarried on multiple occasions, a life he called “hectic”. Image Credit: AFP
Petrovic found her eight years ago as a helpless piglet entangled in the bushes, and bottle-fed her until she recovered. Now, the intimidating 200-kilogramme (440 pound) animal playfully rolls in the creek and eats apples from Petrovic’s hand. Image Credit: AFP
“She means everything to me, I love her and she listens to me. There is no money that can buy such a thing. A true pet”, Petrovic said. Among the animals, there are three kittens whose mother was killed by a wolf, which he now feeds through a syringe. Image Credit: AFP
Petrovic said he “doesn’t understand the fuss” some vaccine sceptics make, and underlined that he believes in a process that aims to eradicate diseases. “I want to get all three doses, including the extra one. I urge every citizen to get vaccinated, every single one of them.” Image Credit: AFP
Petrovic receives welfare, but also relies on donations for food and supplies for the animals. After the vaccines became available, he rolled up his sleeve and got jabbed. Image Credit: AFP