Senatori i Brooklyn Marty Golden deklaron mbështetjen e tij për shqiptarin Marko Kepi!

Marko punoj per Senatorin Marty Golden per 5 vite ku arriti te siguroj me shum se $20,000 per paraden shqiptare, shpallen 4 Shtatorin dita e Nene Terezes ne Shtetin e Nju Jorkut ku i pranishem ishti Princi Leka i Shqiptarve. Marko bashk me Senatorin vendosen Statujen e Nene Tereses ne Bensenhurst Brooklyn dhe mbas shum sakrificave arriten te sigurojn certifikimin e grupit policor “Illyria Society” si grup i autorizuar i policise se New Yorkut. Gjithashtu kremtoj edhe 10 vjetorin e pavarsise se Kosoves ne Senatin e Nju Jorkut.

Zgjedhjet per Marko Kepin jan me 23 Qershor 2020 ku shpresojm qe per her te pare ne USA shqiptaret te votojn si nje komunitet!


It seems like everything around us is changing— but not necessarily for the better. Thanks to the poor leadership from our N.Y. state leaders, we’ve been locked inside our homes for months while Governor Cuomo allows the economy to plummet. Now, with the protests and looting in midtown Manhattan, experts are seriously concerned that New York City May never again be what it once was.

When I was your state Senator, representing you in Albany, the current state of NY was my worst fear. And now it is actualized. During my time as your senator, I fought tirelessly to keep taxes low and quality of life high.

One of my best employees was Marko Kepi, who is now running for to be your assembly man and represent you in Albany. He was and still is a hard worker, who is simultaneously pragmatic and an idealist. As a US Marine, who immigrated here from Albania, he truly loves and believes in the best in this country and would fight to protect it. But he’s also a realist who knows that the fight to restore NY State is an uphill battle and as your assemblyman, he will be fighting powerful, radical forces unwavering in their belief that this country is inherently evil. Marko will be able to take them on because he is diligent, responsible, intelligent, and most of all Marine-tough.

I wholeheartedly endorse Marko Kepi for Assembly in the 64th Assembly District because I know he is NY state’s last hope. Please don’t forget to vote on June 23rd. Vote like your livelihood depends on it.

Humbly yours,

Marty Golden